Friday, September 4, 2009

Countdown to Departure: 5 Days...Getting Scared

It's crunch-time, a.k.a. the time to start thinking about what to pack OR ELSE. Toiletries, comfortable shoes, a 3-month supply of Zyrtec, at least one "fancier" outfit, jeans, a boatload of sweaters...I can't think of many other things that I absolutely need to bring.

I got webcams yesterday, which brought home the fact that I won't see my boyfriend until at least November. I know that he's supportive of this trip, and I know that we'll "be fine" as a couple. It's just that we got to spend the summer together (he essentially moved in with me), and now I'm leaving...again. Like I do every school year. Going to different colleges has strengthened our relationship in a way - it takes solid communication and trust to make it through years of distance - but it hurts a little more every time I go.

I'm being a touch too dramatic, of course. We're both excited about my accomplishment in getting into this program. I'm just always the one who gets the most worked up over change. He takes everything in stride.

On an entirely different note, there are some last-minute kinks in the trip that are worrying me far and beyond my impending heartache over leaving Jordan. Most pressing is a financial mishap with UGA. Apparently when my mom paid the last bill, it didn't go through. And when she called to ask what's going to happen, the person she was on the phone with casually said "Well, they might not let her on the plane." Um, excuse me?! So now she's racing around trying to find another way to pay. Whatever happened (probably just some computer malfunction), it is making me incredibly tense to have to worry about these things when I'm so close to leaving.

Another thing that's plaguing me is the fast-declining health of my dog. He's had arthritis since who knows when (he was a poorly bred Amish pup, bless him - you should always buy from responsible, professional breeders who do health testing!), but he was spry and happy until recently. In the span of the last week he's gone from A-OK to screaming every time he wakes up. He bit us a couple of times from the agony. He's also developed a limp.

The doctor sees deteriorating bone in one of his shoulders, and a disc problem. Essentially the latter amounts to the discs of his vertebrae pressing down on his spinal column. Our pup is now on steroids and heavy-duty painkillers, but I'm worried that he'll deteriorate while I'm gone. I want to be there when it's time to say goodbye.

I don't know. How can anyone ever be prepared for this? I was so sure we'd have him for at least a couple more years; 9 is not that old for a small dog.

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