Saturday, October 31, 2009

Straight up now tell me, do you really wanna love me forever? Oh oh oh!

This Halloween has been EPIC. I've had some good Halloweens before - the one with Felicity as Kerry and me as Dubya being a noteworthy mention - but I'm having a blast here!

Last night, I decided to go to the house party, but I didn't have a costume. I felt left out when I got there, so I ran upstairs, threw on some pink exercise shorts, my neon yellow H&M tank top, nerdy white sneakers, and wrist sweat bands. Then I teased my hair up and voila, I was ready to Jazzercise! I think I'm tagged in Facebook as "Richard Simmons," hilarious. Nobody would believe that my hair got that big with just a quick brush and a flip upside down of my head, but sadly, it's true.

After the house party we went out dancing at a club. So. much. fun! It started out with just a few of us UGA at Oxford students, but by the end of the night it was packed. I'm usually pretty awkward at dancing, especially if there aren't many people out on the dance floor. In other words I'm rarely the "starter." But last night, for some reason, I just went for it, and lo and behold, when you're out there having a blast, pretty soon everyone joins you! What was even more amazing was that even if a bunch of native Brits HADN'T joined us, we still would've had a great time.

The club was playing things like Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, and Blink 182. It was like being back at high school, but with people taking themselves less seriously. At one point a Kelly Clarkson metal remix got put on, and people lost their minds! I screamed for the Britney songs, I'm not even ashamed.

I think part of why I felt so liberated was the fact that I wasn't there to hook up. I know it's pretty common for people to feel constrained by having a significant other back home when they're abroad, but for me it's actually freeing. The one man I would want to impress wasn't here, and anyway he wouldn't care if he DID see me dancing like an idiot - so why hold back? I think I burned 800 calories.

Surprisingly, I also drank. Didn't have a drop at the house party, but a free shot came with the entrance to the club. I was going to pass it up, but the other girls said it was a very weak shot. I had it and they were right, I didn't even begin to feel anything the whole night. I think it was just lightly spiked lemonade. Fine with me!

Tonight, I guess we're going to the Keble party. I don't think it'll be as fun as last night. Keble boys are morons, they're jocks who think drinking their weight in vodka should be a nightly occurence, and worse, they think it turns girls on. But it's ok, because I look awesome! I went to Primark and got a load of stuff for just 20 pounds total. I helped Janie get her gypsy stuff, too. Also, there's a chance that we'll go to a karaoke bar at some point. I really hope that happens.

Here are some pics of the get-up.

List of characters we've had at the house:
-Miley Cyrus
-Hannah Montana
-a gypsy
-Wednesday Addams
-a penguin
-Virginia Woolf
-a pilot
-a pothead
-an octopus
-several vampires
-a cereal killer (it was cute, she had cereal boxes hanging off her)
-90s girl
-Britney Spears, the early version
-a witch
-a pirate
-Pippi Longstockings
Like I said, epic.


  1. First of all, thank you so much for getting that song stuck in my head.
    Secondly, we knew those shoes were a good choice, didn't we? (and thanks to Felicity as well.)
    And I can't believe that leg warmers are coming back into style. That is just so wrong.
    I'm glad you had a good time.
    And, seriously, cereal killer - that is hysterical!

  2. Squirt,
    I"m glad you had such a good time. I believe that your mother might still "Jazzercise". I couldn't even see the extension chord coming off of your outfit. Your horse pooped. Yeah! I can't believe I'm paying a Vet to watch your horse take a crap. I guess Sunset Dancer had Colic, but is better now. Put up pictures of Scotland. When are you leaving for Spain, and how are you getting there?

  3. Mom - Those shoes have been great. They're so comfy, anytime I need to look at all formal (or in this case, spectacularly cheesy), I'm glad I brought them. And don't knock leg warmers, I like them!

    Dad - I put up the first sets of Scotland pictures, I'll put the rest up later. I'm leaving for Spain on the 12th, through Ryan Air.
