Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Madrid, Numero Cinco

The first part of the rally was for general peace, but the tail end seemed to be devoted to representations of specific nationalities. Very cool, everyone was dressed up in traditional finery from wherever they were from.

One of the last glimpses of Spain. Adios, Madrid!


  1. WAY cool.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Or, should I say "Gracias."

  2. Beautiful pictures of Madrid and Scottland. Sounds amazing.

    I'm not keeping up on my blogging much. But I keep looking for those Russia pictures.

  3. I went online to see how much money your mother has been feeding you for all of your trips. Don't worry squirt, I'll just punish your boyfriend. Tell the boy not to take it personally, but he needs to decide what parts of his body he's not going to need. Sadly, I'm going to have to sell a couple of his organs to pay for his girlfriend's travel expenses. By the way, Sheila bought you another digital camera and sent it with Jordan. Aim high and try not to destroy this within the first week. Oh, I forgot to tell you, a sales representative from Canon called. They said to thank you for the business. Apparently, they are having a banor year due to your appetite for cameras. Really cool pictures. You know the dad loves to kid the daughter-unit.

  4. Yes, I realize it should have been "banner year".

  5. Mom - glad you enjoyed them :)
    Aunt Suzette - It's ok, I tend to neglect this blog too much. They're hard to keep up with! Eventually you'll get those pics of Russia, I'm just biding my time....
    Dad - I've informed Jordan that he needs to be prepared to give up a kidney. He seemed pretty accepting of this plan. AND, it has been several days and the camera is still intact, so you can just call Canon right back and tell them that from now on, I will not be fueling their sales as much as I have in the past!
